The marketing world has drastically changed in terms of promoting a product. Businesses are investing isphotorealistic product rendering services for e-commerce.The main reason for this is that 3D visualization has plenty of benefits.
For instance, with CGI, a business can lower its overall costs for launching a campaign. They do not have to worry about the lightnings because CGI shows products in perfect lighting. And above all, there is no need to invest in product photoshoot. This means, increase in sales at a lower cost.

To give you more insight into 3D product rendering services, we will share a few types of 3D imagery. These are some best ways to do marketing.
- Product With CG White Background:
For selling goods on the internet, the first choice of the manufactures is to take the white background approach. This is because the white background allows us to emphasize the product precisely.
When you mix your approach with CGI, the outcome is even more realistic. The overall shape, colors, details, reflections, shades on the 3D image looks pragmatic?all these without wasting the extra resource on the photoshoot.
- 3D Image Optimization:
White background images are good, but only on the website. When it comes to social media, people expect more. The customer wants colorful visuals and creativity. For successful social media marketing, lifestyle images are the best choice. But it is quite a daunting task.

Fortunately, photorealistic product rendering comes to aid. It offers an option to create top-notch lifestyle visuals. Plus, you may not even require decorating or using physical prototypes. All you need to do is select a photo. The CGI specialist will do the rest for your product.
- Cutout Renderings:
Many companies sell heavy-duty products. And they love to display what was used in the creation of those products. With cutout 3D rendering, it becomes possible to create an image that exposes the inner structure.
No matter what product you sell, cutout rendering is the best way to let the customers know about the product. The CGI specialist will accurately showcase the inner workings of the product. Those too without the need to cut the product open.

- 360 Product View:
Everyone loves online shopping. But the only downfall of online shopping is that people do not get to hold the product before purchasing it.
However, this gap can be easily filled with high-quality 360-degree images. And this is only possible with photorealistic product rendering.
As a product owner, all you need to do is send the picture of the product to the 3D visualization studio. The artist will take care of the rest.
Bottom Line
All these 3D imagery types are beneficial for starting an excellent campaign. After all, the only goal of a business is to offer the customers with the best services. Architectural rendering services aim to create images that are easy to view. You can showcase the interiors of your products. Plus, the customer also gets a chance to scrutinize it from all sides.